# 1. Create registry container unless it already exists reg_name='kind-registry' reg_port='5001' if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${reg_name}" 2>/dev/null || true)" != 'true' ]; then docker run \ -d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --network bridge --name "${reg_name}" \ registry:2 fi
# 2. Add the registry config to the nodes # # This is necessary because localhost resolves to loopback addresses that are # network-namespace local. # In other words: localhost in the container is not localhost on the host. # # We want a consistent name that works from both ends, so we tell containerd to # alias localhost:${reg_port} to the registry container when pulling images REGISTRY_DIR="/etc/containerd/certs.d/localhost:${reg_port}" for node in $(kind get nodes); do docker exec"${node}"mkdir -p "${REGISTRY_DIR}" cat <<EOF | docker exec -i "${node}" cp /dev/stdin "${REGISTRY_DIR}/hosts.toml" [host."http://${reg_name}:5000"] EOF done
# 3. Connect the registry to the cluster network if not already connected # This allows kind to bootstrap the network but ensures they're on the same network if [ "$(docker inspect -f='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks.kind}}' "${reg_name}")" = 'null' ]; then docker network connect "kind""${reg_name}" fi
# Add the registry config to the nodes REGISTRY_DIR="/etc/containerd/certs.d/docker.io" for node in $(kind get nodes); do docker exec"${node}"mkdir -p "${REGISTRY_DIR}" cat <<EOF | docker exec -i "${node}" cp /dev/stdin "${REGISTRY_DIR}/hosts.toml" server = "https://registry-1.docker.io" [host."https://docker.m.daocloud.io"] [host."https://dockerproxy.com"] EOF done